Eric Gerwin, a Catholic father who lives in the suburbs of Detroit, has four children who are being homeschooled, but he still values school choice.
Gerwin is no fan of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, whom he thinks does not support school choice options.
“I believe that the Catholic schools, although not perfect, are better than the public schools,” Gerwin told the Novi Times.
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos
Public schools downplay the history of the country, Gerwin said. “They downplay the impact that God has had in the founding of our country, and they push a lot of agendas, especially gender identity. And they're anti-God in a lot of ways in the public schools.”
He says he would not vote for a candidate who opposes school choice.
“I do not support Joe Biden’s interference in the education system whatsoever,” Gerwin told the Novi Times. “I believe the education system constitutionally should be handled by the states. I also believe that parents know what’s best for their kids. If they want to send their kids to a Catholic school or a parochial school or any kind of religious school, it should be okay.”
No politician should force parents to send their children to public schools by eliminating the alternatives, Gerwin believes.
“I definitely think that school choice is very important,” he told the Novi Times.
Biden has opposed federal funding for for-profit charter schools, although he favored school choice in 1997, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said, according to Fox News.
“Today, he’s turned his back on the kids that we're talking about, and he's turned his face in favor of the teachers' union and what they have to say and what they have to demand -- and it's really shameful,” DeVos told Fox News.
Parents across the country are demanding more school choices, according to DeVos.
“So the demand for school choice and giving parents the control for their kids' future is continuing to grow,” she told Fox News. “And it's a really important point in time.”