On Monday, July 25th the City will begin construction for the 2022 Road Rehabilitation project. This project is completely separate from the Farmington Road Streetscape project and proposes improvements to the following streets: Alta Loma Dr., Fleming St., Moore St., Cass Ct., Hamlin Ct., Conroy Ct., James Ct., Glenview Dr., and Yoder Dr. Residents are encouraged to attend the public meeting which will be held virtually via zoom for further project-related information.
Here is the information to join the Zoom meeting online:
https://ohm-advisors.zoom.us/j/96642735653?pwd=dStDTWhPYnNiclYvQjlZVGVscUQ3QT09 , Password: 696252
To join by telephone: dial +1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 966 4273 5653
Password: 696252
We plan to share a video recording of this meeting shortly after it is concluded.
Original source can be found here.