Clifford H. Smart Middle School 7th grader Drew Edelstein has a passion for dogs and, throughout the spring, used his puppy love to help the community.
“I heard about the therapy dog program with Walled Lake Schools, and I love dogs, so I thought putting them together to help my Bar Mitzvah project would be a good deal,” explained Edelstein.
A Bar Mitzvah is a coming of age ceremony that marks the time when a boy or girl (Bat Mitzvah) becomes a Jewish adult. A hands-on social action project, or mitzvah project, is part of the preparations.
Edelstein decided to walk dogs in his neighborhood with all the money he earned going towards the therapy dog program in at Walled Lake Schools. His goal was to reach $1,000, and Edelstein well exceeded that mark. He walked 10 dogs, dog-sitted two more, and raised $1,600.
“I didn’t think it was going to as many dogs,” admitted Edelstein. “Just seeing all the different dogs, and how they react differently to different stuff, it was fun.”
One of his clients’ sons even dug a few dollars out of his piggy bank to help the cause.
“It’s nice to see people smile about dogs too,” said Edelstein with a big grin on his face.
Edelstein’s Bar Mitzvah is September 5, 2022. Around that same time, the therapy dog program will know which schools will be home to the district’s new dogs. Edelstein will then have the chance to pick one he’d like to put his donation towards and his name will go on that dog’s vest.
Walled Lake Schools currently has five therapy dogs in the district with three more in training.
Original source can be found here.