Haley Stevens tweeted the following:
"DID YOU KNOW: 49 stateshave passed laws to help local firefighters treat work-related illnesses and disease, but federal firefighters have not been given the same protections.Today, I voted YES on the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act to change that."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Haley Stevens:
"In Michigan, we experienced a significant rise in fire-related deaths in January 2022 - all preventable. To prevent further lives and homes lost, I co-lead the Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act with @RepRitchie, which passed the House today!"Read on Twitter
"GREAT NEWS! My Promoting Digital Privacy Technologies Act just passed the House. This bill supports research, workforce development, standard setting & government coordination for privacy enhancing technologies -protecting our sensitive information without sacrificing innovation."Read on Twitter
"A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link and the times when the weakest link happens to be cybersecurity, we see sweeping aftershocks. Today, I co-chaired a @Housescience hearing w/ @RepBillFoster on mitigating cyber vulnerabilities within the open source ecosystem."Read on Twitter