Haley Stevens tweeted the following:
"Yesterday, I met with @RazomforUkraine to discuss the ongoing situation on the ground, hear about the contributions this incredible group is making, and get briefed on the breadth of legislative opportunities to support the people of Ukraine that are currently before Congress."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Haley Stevens:
"Its time for TSA workers to be granted the same workplace rights as all federal employees. Today, I voted to pass the Rights for the TSA Workforce Act, which puts TSA workers on the same pay scale as other federal employees and provides them with needed workplace protections."Read on Twitter
"This year, we will celebrate our 246th-year as a nation. I hope my fellow conferees work with me to pass this legislation by Independence Day to lay the foundation for the next century of American leadership. Michiganders can no longer afford for us to idle on this package."Read on Twitter
"We don't have time to be politicking and distracting from the issues at hand. Our work on this committee is not to get soundbites and gotcha headlines."Read on Twitter