Haley Stevens tweeted the following:
"One million American lives lost to COVID-19, and each one a soul who is deeply loved and missed.We dont want to see any more lives lost. covid.gov is your one-stop shop for all things prevention, detection, and treatment of the virus. twitter.com/cbsnews/status"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Haley Stevens:
"DID YOU KNOW: 49 stateshave passed laws to help local firefighters treat work-related illnesses and disease, but federal firefighters have not been given the same protections.Today, I voted YES on the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act to change that." on May 11Read on Twitter
"In Michigan, we experienced a significant rise in fire-related deaths in January 2022 - all preventable. To prevent further lives and homes lost, I co-lead the Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act with @RepRitchie, which passed the House today!" on May 11Read on Twitter
"GREAT NEWS! My Promoting Digital Privacy Technologies Act just passed the House. This bill supports research, workforce development, standard setting & government coordination for privacy enhancing technologies -protecting our sensitive information without sacrificing innovation." on May 11Read on Twitter